Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pete Evans' slim food tips

Learn how to make healthy food choices at restaurants and cafés with Pete Evans' top tips.
Pete Evans - Healthy food choices - Women's Health & Fitness
1. Beware of portion size
Portion size is extremely important. Humans are often guilty of overeating and eating too fast as well. 
2. Avoid sugar
I don’t tend to count calories, but I do avoid sugar, whether it be honey, agave or anything that says ‘sweet’ on the menu, as fructose is the real enemy that we should all be trying to avoid.  
3. Go easy on the sauce
Choose dishes without sauces, or ask for them to serve it on the side, as that’s where many of the hidden calories reside.  
4. Watch out for 'low fat' labels
I look for very low sugar, high saturated fats and low polyunsaturated fats – watch out for low fat labels, which usually mean higher sugar levels and hidden calories.  
5. Choose grilled not fried
I always choose for my fish to be grilled, and I ask for a wedge of lemon and no sauce.
6. 'Fresh' is your best friend
I look for ‘freshly’ made salads, with the dressing on the side, and I avoid ingredients like croutons, crumbed chicken, or crumbed fish.
If the salads on the menu aren’t tickling your fancy, order a basic one along with a side of freshly cooked vegetables. Broccoli is great in a salad as are snow peas, asparagus, and cauliflower.

Pete Evans' slim food tips


10 ways to melt more FAT

We turn to the latest science for fat-burning tips
10 way to melt more fat - with science! Women's Health & Fitness
1. Lift heavier weights
The theory that lifting light and furiously fast burns more fat than heavy weights is harder to kill than a cockroach. Here’s why it’s hogwash: fewer reps with heavier weights equals a metabolic boost that outlives the increase from high rep, light weight workouts according to the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education. To maximise the calories burned long after you and your gym bag have left the change room, shoot for three to seven reps.
2. Mix it up
Don’t put your light weights out for hard rubbish. While lifting low and heavy burns more kJs later, lighter weights may burn more calories during your session, according to researchers from the College of New Jersey. Hedge your bets by splicing heavy and light routines – three to seven reps with heavy weights one day, 10 to 20 with light weights the next. If you want to get tricky, do both in one session: two sets light, two sets heavy.
3. Cut rest time
Sleep is critical; research consistently shows that skipping your kip can undermine intensity. But yourworkout isn’t the time to be loafing. You’ll torch 50 per cent more calories if you cut rests between sets from three minutes to 30 seconds, a College of New Jersey study found.
4. Speed demons inc.
Yes, you need slow, controlled reps. But don’t ditch the fast moves. Instead, make your reps rapid and explosive and reap the calorie burn rewards. The fast twitch muscle fibres engaged during fast lifts are less energy efficient than their slower cousins, meaning they chew through more fuel, according to Ball State University researchers. You’ll need a weight about 30 per cent of your one-rep max (1RM), which means being able to lift it for 15 to 35 reps per exercise. Aim for four to five sets comprising two fast sets of three to eight reps, and two to three at normal pace.
5. Listen to your favourite tunes
Cranking the tunes before you hit the treadmill is a free hit in the fat-loss stakes, with listening to your favourite playlist linked to greater intensity and fat loss according to a study presented to the National Strength and Conditioning Association. The headphone set registered significantly more reps than those listening to the purr of the treadmill engine.
6. Put resistance training before cardio
Burning more fat is as simple as switching the order of your workout components according to Japanese researchers. By putting your resistance training before your cardio workout, you can seriously boost your fat burn. The better news is that the fat burn was highest in the first 15 minutes of cardio, so say arrivederci to hours on the elliptical and set your stopwatch for quarter of an hour.
To burn fat with cardio, you can’t go past intervals. Commonly shortened to HIIT, high intensity interval training demands intervals at 90 per cent of your maximum heart rate (MHR) interspersed with bouts at walking pace. For the record, most steady-state cardio hangs around the 60 to 70 MHR mark. A good rule of thumb for HIIT is 20 seconds/10 seconds (sprint for 20, walk or jog for 10).
8. Try intermittent cardio
In the vein of HIIT, intermittent cardio burns more fat than continuous movement. A study pitting subjects doing steady cardio for 30 minutes against those doing three 10-minute bursts broken by 20-minute rests, found the staggered group burned more fat, with the bonus of greater calorie burn after the fact.
9. Exercise after work
Good news for night owls – exercising after work raises your metabolic rate more than morning sessions. Subjects who cycled for 30 minutes between 5 and 7pm got a greater spike in post-workout calorie burn than their early-rising counterparts, said University of Wisconsin researchers. The after-work window also trumped lunchtime workouts for efficiency.

10. All in the preparation
Just two weeks of strategic exercise may reduce blood glucose and insulin, leading to greater fat burning and less fat storage, say scientists at Scotland’s University of Edinburgh. A two-week schedule of four to six 30-second sprints divided by four-minute rests was linked to reduced blood glucose (15 per cent) and insulin (40 per cent), and correlated with a 25 per cent drop in insulin resistance.

10 ways to melt more FAT

Toned Arms, Flat Stomach, Body Transformations, Fat Loss, Home Workouts,melt more FAT,ways to melt more FAT

How to lose weight in your 30s

In your 30s, your hormones change and you burn 100 calories less per day than in your 20s.

1. Increase your muscle bulk
Your waistline starts to expand as your total body fat increases, and muscle mass and body water decrease. This is why you’re likely to see an increase in body weight and lose some of your youthful muscle tone, and why it’s important to increase your muscle bulk now – to promote greater fat burning during exercise and higher calorie burn around the clock.
Broccoli - How to lose weight in your 30s - Women's Health & Fitness
2. Eat cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli
As oestrogen levels drop in this decade, eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and bok choy can help because they contain a nutrient called indole-3-carbinol, which has been shown to help reduce excess oestrogen and may drop the risk of breast and cervical cancers.
Fill up on fibre - how to lose weight in your 30s - Women's Health & Fitness
3. Fill up on insoluble fibre
Insoluble fibre, found in whole wheat and brown rice, is also good because it binds itself to oestrogen in the digestive tract and has a laxative effect.
4. Don't use pregnancy as an excuse to overeat
Grosse warns against using pregnancy as an excuse to overeat. “While you do have increased nutrient needs, the quality of the food you eat is more important then the quantity,” she explains. “Gaining more than the recommended 11 to 16 kg can be counterproductive and harder to lose in the future.”

5 exercises for a Brazilian butt

Want gorgeous glutes? Try this 4-week butt lifting workout.

Heel sky raise - 5 moves for a pert butt - Women's Health & Fitness
The, er, bottom line is a combo of moves that target your entire butt – not just your gluteus maximus
You also need to home in on your gluteus medius and minimus to truly defy gravity. Part B is geared to framing your derriere by minimising surrounding body fat. (There’s no point having rock-hard glutes if they’re hidden.) Which is where the cardio and clean eating come in. Incline walking and running, stepping machine work and bike interval sessions are great ways to simultaneously burn calories and, therefore, body fat and further steel your glutes.
Exercise 1: Heel sky raise
What it does: This exercise will give your butt shape and firmness.
How to do it: Start on your knees and elbows. From here, put one leg out straight and flex your foot. Focus on lifting this leg from your butt (leg must stay straight or you are not using your butt). Slowly raise your leg from the ground until it’s in line with your body and lower back to the ground.
Do it right: Perform this slowly, pausing at the top of each repetition. This is a small and controlled movement. If you raise too high you will use your back muscle instead of your butt. To really make it work, keep the height range between the ground and your torso.

Single leg balle kick - Exercises for glutes - Women's Health & Fitness
Exercise 2: Single leg ballet kicks
What it does: Creates long, lean hamstrings and a perky butt.
How to do it: Start by correcting your posture, drawing your belly into your spine while finding something straight ahead to focus on with your eyes. Keeping your chest up and shoulders back, bring one hand down to touch the opposite toe, staying perfectly aligned and getting the back leg as high as you can.
Do it right: Your aim is to get maximum stretch down the hamstring of your standing leg. This exercise is to be performed slowly and with lots of control. With practice this exercise produces amazing results.

Lower half lunge - Exercises for glutes - Women's Health & Fitness
Exercise 3: Lower half lunge
What it does: These lunges will have your legs burning while forcing your glutes to contract without rest, targeting several muscle groups simultaneously and elevating your heart rate.
How to do it: Start in a lunge position with your back knee on the ground. Keeping your chest up, torso straight and belly pinned to the spine, bring your knee off the ground until you’re halfway up. Then go back to the ground.
Do it right: Do 15 pulses each leg and perform slowly for best results.
Bottle - 5 exercises for glutes - Women's Health & Fitness
Exercise 4: Bottle
What it does: This exercise cleverly targets all areas of the glute and will help give you a pert, rounded butt!
How to do it: Start by lying on your stomach with perfect alignment and hands placed on the ground under your chin. Feet should be together and flexed. Using one leg at a time, imagine you have a bottle on the outside of your foot and you’re trying to get your foot up and over the bottle. Come back to starting position, making your way back over the imaginary bottle.
Do it right: During this exercise, keep your leg straight and glute contracted as you want to focus on using your glute to lift your leg.
Pelvic tilts - 5 moves for a perky butt - Women's Health & Fitness
Exercise 5: Pelvic tilts
What it does: This exercise will help lift your butt and stop it looking as though it’s sitting on the back of your legs.
How to do it: Lie on your back with your knees up and toes pointed up (on your heels). Slowly raise your hips off the ground until your pelvis is like a bridge. Hold this position for five seconds, focusing on squeezing your glutes up and belly down (imagine you are trying to get them to meet in the middle). Release and repeat.

Lose Your Belly with Just Two Exercise Moves

A couple of month's ago, Men's Health asked Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.—one of the world's top trainers—to create a cutting-edge fat loss program forMen's Health. And, of course, he obliged. But a curious thing: One of the workouts in the plan featured just two exercises.
That's right: When asked to create a super-effective, calorie-torching routine, Cosgrove gave us a workout that had readers do only a dumbbell swing and a squat thrust. This confused some folks, who wondered, "How can you lose fat with just two exercises?"
Cosgrove's response: "Running is just one exercise, but no one questions that when it comes to burning fat." (Another great way to lose fat: Avoid the 20 worst drinks in America.)
He makes a good point. And in fact, once you understand the philosophy behind Cosgrove's routine, you start to see why it works so well. But first, an explanation of the actual routine itself.
Here's how it works: You do 15 repetitions of the kettlebell swing (you can also use a dumbbell for this), followed immediately by 15 reps of the squat thrust. (See below for descriptions of both exercises.) Then, without resting, do another 14 reps of the swing and another 14 reps of the squat thrust. Continue this pattern until you complete only one rep of each exercise. This is called a countdown workout.

Sure, that's just two exercises, but do the math: If you complete the entire routine—from 15 down to one— you'll do 120 repetitions of each exercise. That's 240 repetitions. And these aren't just any exercises: They're movements that challenge your entire body.
They're also done at a fast pace. On average, it'll only take you about three seconds per rep. So you'll do those 240 reps in just 12 minutes or so. That'll light your muscles on fire and have you gasping for air (in a good way).

If you think that sounds too easy or too fast, I suggest you try it. You may find you can't even finish. But that's OK—you can just start with a lower number of reps, like eight, and work your way up as you improve your fitness. (In fact, I recommend this strategy.) If you want an even greater challenge, you can always take a breather and repeat the routine.
Remember: Whether you're running or lifting, your muscles require energy to help you move. And this workout forces more of your muscles into action than you'd ever use while jogging for the same duration. It'll also boost your metabolism for hours after your workout.

What's more, unlike jogging, these aren't joint-pounding exercises. So this is actually a "low-impact" workout that you can do at a high intensity, making it ideal for overweight folks. The best part: You can do the routine without even leaving your house since all you need is a single kettlebell or dumbbell. (And for another fast way to fight fat, check out this awesome 9-minute kettlebell workout.)
An important note: This isn't a complete workout program, but it is a great routine that you can do almost anywhere, anytime. And it's a fantastic substitute for 15 minutes on the treadmill.
Kettlebell (or Dumbbell) Swing
Bend at your hips, and hold a kettlebell (or dumbbbell) with both hands at arm’s length in front of you. Now, rock back slightly and “hike” the kettlebell between your legs. Then squeeze your glutes, thrust your hips forward forcefully, and swing the weight to shoulder height. Allow momentum to swing the weight—you're not trying to actively lift it with your arms. Reverse the movement, so that you swing the kettlebell between your legs again. Make sure you don't round your lower back at any time; it should stay naturally arched when you bend at your hips. Continue to swing back and forth. Watch the video below to see fitness expert David Jack show you how to do the kettlebell swing with perfect form:
Squat Thrust
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bending at your hips and knees, squat down and lower your body until you can place your hands on the floor. Kick your legs backward—into a pushup position—and then immediately reverse the move and quickly stand up from the squat. That's one rep. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can jump up from the squat instead of simply standing up quickly. Watch the video below to see strength coach David Jack do the squat thrust:


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Full Throttle Fat Loss Review


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Full Throttle Fat Loss Review

Best Way to lose weight in legs