Tuesday, April 23, 2013

3 Calorie-Counting Rules for Weight Loss

Tracking your calories is a proven weight loss strategy, but too few Americans tally their intake – or even know how to. Here's how to sharpen your calorie counting skills to slim down healthfully.

A scant 9 percent of Americans keep track of how many calories they eat every day, the survey found. The same percentage were able to accurately estimate how many calories they should eat each day.
With so many weight loss plans focused on certain nutrients — Load up on protein! Banish carbs! Eat “healthy” fats! — counting calories may seem downright passé. But you shouldn’t discount this powerful weight loss tool, say experts.
In fact, the “secret” to losing weight for good isn’t eliminating carbs or eating gallons of cabbage soup, according to My Calorie Counter, a new book from Everyday Health. “Sustained, healthy weight loss comes down to a pretty basic equation: fewer caloriesplus more exercise,” say authors Jenny Sucov and Maureen Namkoong, MS, RD. “By keeping track of how many calories you consume and burn every day, you can slim down, gain energy, and stave off a whole host of health problems.”
So why don’t more people track their calorie intake? Among the biggest roadblocks people cite, according to the survey, are the difficulty of counting calories (30 percent); having a focus on other nutrients (30 percent); thinking that calorie counting doesn’t matter (23 percent); and being too busy (22 percent).
But counting calories is easier and less time-consuming than you think. Follow these tips to get started:
  1. Determine How Many Calories You Should Eat
    How many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight depends on factors such as your gender, age, height, weight, and activity level. Your body uses about two-thirds of the calories you consume each day just to keep its systems functioning — your heart beating, your muscles moving. The rest of your calorie intake, according to My Calorie Counter, fuels everyday activities like walking around, exercising, typing an e-mail, doing a crossword puzzle.
    To find out your ideal caloric intake, start by calculating what’s known as your base metabolic rate (BMR):
    • Women: Multiply your weight by 10. Men: Multiply by 11. This is your BMR.
    • Now add to that 20 percent of your BMR if you have a sedentary lifestyle; 30 percent if you are somewhat active; 40 percent if you are moderately active; or 50 percent if you are very active.
    • The number you get is how many calories you need to maintain your weight.
    For example: If you’re a somewhat active 145-pound woman, your BMR is 1,450 calories a day, and your lifestyle quotient is 30 percent of that, or an additional 435 calories. So your daily total for maintaining your current weight is 1,885 calories. If you want to lose one pound per week, you simply need to cut or burn an extra 500 calories a day.
  2. Count How Many Calories You Actually Eat and Burn
  3. You can track your calories online here for free, or consult the nutritional information in our My Calorie Counter book or iPhone app when you’re on the go.
    Don’t forget to log your exercise too. Find out how many calories you're burning with everyday and fitness activities using the My Calorie Counter list of calories burned during exercise, then enter the figure in your online journal.
    You can easily cut 500 calories by making small diet and exercise changes throughout your day. Here’s one approach:
    • Breakfast: Drink water instead of orange juice (calories saved: 117)
    • Snack: Have sliced cucumber and a tablespoon of hummus instead of a bag of chips (calories saved: 119)
    • Lunch: Swap out your salad’s creamy ranch dressing for fat-free Italian (calories saved: 66)
    • Dessert: Eat half of a cup of strawberries instead of a half of a cup of chocolate ice cream (calories saved: 118).
    • Exercise: Stroll at a moderate pace for 30 minutes (calories burned: 125 for a woman weighing 145)
  4. Get Portion Savvy
  5. Even if you can’t or don’t want to tally the calories you eat at every single meal or snack, adopting these little portion control tips can help you consume fewer calories without trying too hard. “In a world where supersize is the new regular, it’s easy to undercount your calories,” say Sucov and Namkoong. These tips can help you recognize what a healthy portion looks like, which can help you keep calories in check:
    • Think of a tennis ball. It’s the equivalent of one cup of food, which is the recommended portion for such foods as pasta, cereal, and yogurt.
    • Don’t eat straight out of the container. It’s a recipe for mindlessly overeating. Instead, measure a serving size of whatever you’re noshing on — almonds, soy chips, or other snacks — and put it on a plate or in a bowl.
    • Use smaller plates. Trick your mind into thinking that you have more food by downsizing your large dinner plate for a smaller salad-sized one. A healthy portion can look teeny on a huge plate but will seem more normal when you shrink its surroundings.
    • Spoil your appetite with nutritious food. Try eating celery sticks with peanut butter an hour before mealtime, My Calorie Counter recommends. You’ll eat less at the meal and feel 
    • more satisfied later.
    • GET The Diet Solution Program

10 Steps to Speed Weight Loss

If you're struggling with weight loss, then you already know it's the little things that add up — the "little bit more" at the dinner buffet, the "little bit too tight" feeling of your clothes. But what if you also knew about the little things you could do every day to increase your weight- loss success? Here they are.
10 Steps to Speed Weight Loss
1. Switch up your snacks"First of all, watch mindless snacking," says Emily Banes, RD, clinical dietitian at the Houston Northwest Medical Center in Houston, Texas. "[Those calories] really add up." Instead of grazing on the baked goodies in the break room, have a plan for healthy snacks that combines a little bit of fat, protein, and crunch, such as apple slices smeared with peanut butter. If you are counting calories, doing the math may help: a pound is the equivalent of 3,500 calories, so if you can cut 100 calories out of your day, you will lose a pound in just over a month.
2. Cut out high-calorie condiments and sugars. "Instead of getting a coffee with sugar, try Splenda," says Banes. Likewise, try mustard on your burger or sandwich instead of mayonnaise, and order your salad dressing on the side so that you can control the amount you eat.
3. Hoof it. "Exercise is key," says Banes. People who manage at least 150 minutes of activity a week are more successful withweight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a bit farther from your destination so you have to walk. This will add extra exercise — and burn more calories.
4. Anticipate temptation. If you know you can't resist freshly baked brownies, don't keep a mix in your pantry. Also, if you are going somewhere with friends and family and know you'll have a hard time controlling yourself, make a decision before you get there about what you will eat — and stick to it.
5. Try the veggie-loaded plate method. Banes recommends using your plate to guide your food selection and portion sizes. One half of the plate should be vegetables. The other side can be split between protein and starchy carbohydrates. If you decide to get a second plate, says Banes, it had better be all vegetables. People who eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day are more successful with weight loss.
6. Skip the fast food. A study of 1,713 adults who have been successful with weight loss demonstrated that people who eat at fast-food restaurants less than twice a week have greater success with their weight loss. "If you do eat fast foods, don't supersize it," says Banes, and try to opt for a salad, small portions, or "get baked, not fried."
7. Limit the calories you drink. While most people understand sugary sodas add calories, Banes sees a misconception when it comes to sweet tea and juices. Sweetened tea is no less calorie-dense thansoda, and you'd be better off eating the fruit than drinking the juice, advises Banes.
8. Be accountable. Whether you have a diet buddy you check in with, a support group, or a food diary, keeping track of your daily food choices takes only a few minutes, but can double your weight-loss success.
9. Order smaller portions. Data suggests that people who order smaller portions or share a plate at restaurants are more successful with weight loss. Banes recommends ordering the lunch portion, an appetizer, or a children's meal — or put up to half your meal into a doggy bag before you begin eating.
10. Acknowledge your success. People who believe they can succeed with weight loss actually do lose weight more successfully. How do you gain this confidence? Take a moment to pat yourself on the back when you make healthy choices and achieve your short-term goals.

GET The Diet Solution Program

New Diet and Exercise Routine Together Yield Best Results

Going on a diet and starting an exercise routine are the keys to losing weight and getting in shape, and a new study suggests that starting both at once is better than trying one at a time.
Researchers started with 200 people over the age of 45 who were inactive and did not eat well. They were split into four groups: new diet and exercise habits at the same time; diet changes first and starting exercise a few months later; starting exercise first and making diet changes a few months later; and no diet or exercise changes.
After being tracked for a year, researchers found that those who adopted a new diet and exercise plan at the same time were most likely to meet national guidelines for exercise (150 minutes a week) and diet (five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day) and to keep their saturated fat levels low.
Even so, the most successful group at first had trouble meeting their exercise goal, but did so within the year. Researchers added that if you’re only able to start with one lifestyle change, pick exercise, as changing your food habits could interfere with creating an exercise routine. Establishing the routine can also take time for those with busy schedules, whereas food changes are easier to incorporate into your daily life.
“With dietary habits, you have no choice; you have to eat,” said study author Abby King, a professor of health research and policy at Stanford University. “You don’t have to find extra time to eat because it’s already in your schedule. So the focus is more on substituting the right kinds of food to eat.”

Eating Mushrooms May Be as Good as Vitamin D Supplements

If you’re lacking in vitamin D, boosting your mushroom intake might be the answer.
Researchers from Boston University found that eating mushrooms might be just as effective as taking a vitamin D pill supplement, though further research still needs to be done.
Kurt Kennel, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said mushrooms are likely “a very reasonable approach for people who want to get vitamin D from foods that are not animal-based.”
Other foods that naturally contain vitamin D include swordfish, salmon, tuna, eggs and Swiss cheese.

"Cinnamon Challenge" Poses Real Danger to Lungs

Have you heard of the cinnamon challenge? If not, your kids probably have.
It’s a trendy dare that involves swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon at once without water, and trying not to cough or gag while friends film it and put it on YouTube.
But a new article published in the May issue of Pediatrics warns that the “cinnamon challenge” can have very real and dangerous health effects, especially to the lungs.
“The spice triggers a severe gag reflex in response to a caustic sensation in the mouth and throat,” the study authors wrote. The cinnamon can be inhaled into the lungs, which could cause inflammation, thickening and scarring.
This dare isn’t going away: There were 51 calls to U.S. poison centers related to teens trying the cinnamon challenge in 2011, reports the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), and in just the first three months of 2012, the AAPCC received 139 calls. Of those, 122 were classified as intentional misuse or abuse and 30 required medical evaluation

Low Hormone Levels Could Explain PTSD Symptoms

There may be a new explanation for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disordersymptoms: hormones.
According to preliminary new research, nearly half of veterans with blast injuries in the study had low levels of pituitary hormones, which have been associated with PTSD-like symptoms. But this low hormone level can be treated more easily.
It’s already known that traumatic brain injuries, like ones caused by blast injuries, can cause the hormone deficiency hypopituitarism: it affects about 40 percent of people with a traumatic brain injury, according to a 2005 study in the European Journal of Endocrinology.
“This could be a largely missed opportunity for successful treatment, said Charles W. Wilkinson, PhD, lead researcher and associate professor of psychiatry at the VA Puget Sound, in a statement. “We’re not diagnosing definite disorders in this study—these individuals would still need a clinical evaluation. But if even 10 percent of these veterans have hypopituitarism, it’s a problem that physicians should be aware of.”

 GET The Diet Solution Program

The Muscle Maximizer

What is the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer?

There is nothing like the SMM anywhere. Period

The SMM is a truly customized, unique, anabolic approach to nutrition. The SMM is breakthrough nutritional software that when combined with proper weight training, packs-on pure shredded muscle in record time without any fat. It is designed to explode you through any muscle building plateau while staying lean and turning heads 365 days a year!

How does it work?

The SMM is EXACT and tailors anabolic nutrition for you in every way possible using 4 patented formulas. These 4 formulas took years of testing and tweaking with world renowned nutritionists, fitness models and big time bodybuilders to perfect. The SMM customizes the nutrition to everything about you; your age, weight, height, and metabolism. Most importantly, the SMM customizes the nutrition to your somatotype and your weight training regimen. The SMM specifically allocates your calories and macronutrients throughout the day DEPENDING on when or if you’re working out. You will give your body exactly what it needs, when it needs it to build muscle without fat. The SMM customizes your exact pre and post workout needs and takes advantage of the 2 anabolic windows you have every day that will take you from skinny to jacked in a hurry. On your off day’s from the gym, your recovery nutrition is custom structured to repair and rebuild broken down muscle tissue quickly.  Using unique calorie and macronutrient shifting techniques your muscle recovery is extremely rapid and muscle soreness is often 100 % eliminated. The SMM provides easy to understand charts and graphs that track your transformation progress and will make sure you are on the fastest pace possible to your new, leaner, more muscular physique.

What if I don’t know my somatotype?

Don’t worry! I walk you through step by step how to determine your somatotype in the program.

Who is SMM for? Who is it not for?

The SMM was made for the real weight trainer, not guys who want to half-heartedly workout or the weekend warrior. The SMM is for the guy that’s dead serious about creating a physique that demands respect, turns heads and separates them from the pack. That being said, The SMMcan greatly benefit beginning weight trainees if they are ready and able to work hard in the gym and follow the SMM’s nutritional guidelines.

What if I don’t like the foods I’m supposed to eat?

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

10 Signs You Need A Workout Makeover

Why you’re not seeing results—and how to get back on track

10 Signs You Need A Workout Makeover // changing your workout © Thinkstock

Image: Thinkstock
Unlike fashion faux pas, sex slumps, and getting something stuck in your teeth, when it comes to working out, no one is going to step in and tell you when it's time to step up. That means it's up to you to know when it's time for a change. The signs may not always be obvious, though. Miss them and you risk giving up on your workout altogether out of frustration, injury or simply boredom

You're always sore

Your muscles need recovery time or soreness sets in with back-to-back workouts. (Relax your mind and raze calories with this two-week plan: Slim, Calm, Sexy Yoga) Professional athletes use a strategy called periodization, a systematic approach to training that prevents muscle soreness from overtraining, says Tom Holland, MS, CSCS, exercise physiologist and author of The 12-Week Triathlete (Fair Winds Press, 2011). (4 Natural Ways to Ease Sore Muscles) "If you're constantly sore you're probably not taking enough rest days and not periodizing your workouts."

You're sooo bored

More than half of new exercisers quit within three to six months after starting a workout program, according to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). "It's often simply burnout and for many different reasons," says Kay Porter, PhD, sports psychologist and author of The Mental Athlete (Human Kinetics, 2003). "Maybe you're doing the same thing over and over or it's no longer challenging."
Makeover approach: Switch it up by working out at different times of the day, suggests Dr. Porter. Or exercise with different people. If you're a runner, try a different route, or consider setting goals for yourself such as running a 10K. If you work out in a gym try a different fitness class or challenge yourself by using machines one time and only your body weight another, for example.

You're not seeing results

Hitting a wall with your results may happen because you've maxed out your genetic potential, says Fabio Comana, MA, MS, CSCS, director of continuing education for the National Academy of Sports Medicine. "When you first start training you're so far from your 'cap' (potential) that your body improves by leaps and bounds." However, as you move closer towards your cap you don't experience these same adaptations as you did in the beginning.
7 Ways to Speed Up Your Slim Down
Makeover approach: Consider the possible causes, says Comana. "Are additional stressors impacting your ability to recover, for example?" Try taking a few days off and see if you notice improvements. Consider working with a trainer to help you push through your weak spots, suggests Comana. And, make sure you're not eating back all of the calories you burned.

You're gaining weight

You're working out really hard and then suddenly find that your favorite jeans are feeling tighter than they should be. Sure, you can blame the dryer, again. But really, how is this happening when you're burning so many calories? "Women often don't realize that weight lifting can increase appetite," says Amy Goodson, RD, board certified specialist in sport dietetics and the Dallas Cowboys Sports Dietitian. "If you eat more you'll gain weight. You shouldn't ignore hunger cues, but some nutritional tricks can help you feel satisfied without additional calories."

You're skipping workouts

Maybe it's raining out, the gym's too crowded, or a big work deadline is looming, but you're finding new reasons to skip your workout like never before. Why are you looking for excuses? "Look at what's making you dislike your workout," says Porter. "Are people judgmental at your gym? Is your workout location inconvenient?" (Are you telling yourself these 6 flimsy exercise excuses?)
Makeover approach: To avoid the usual excuses, make the focus of your training about something other than weight loss and fitness, says Holland. "Find a new goal and create a new reason to exercise. Consider earning money for a charity bike ride, for example, which is emotionally rewarding." Or check out CharityMiles, a free app for Android or iPhones that tracks your mileage and donates money to your favorite charity.

You're too comfortable

Working out on autopilot makes exercise a no-brainer, but you're only cheating yourself if you no longer break a sweat. "It's not enough to just show up for your workout," says Holland. "You're wasting your time if you want results and you're not going outside your comfort zone. You also cheat yourself out of the endorphin (feel-good brain chemicals) release that comes with vigorous exercise."

You have an injury that won't heal

You ice it and rest it and your arm still hurts when you exercise. "Chronic injuries are often from overuse or repetitive strain," says John Higgins, MD, director of exercise physiology at the Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center. "Tennis elbow is a frequent chronic injury that can result from tennis or even repetitive activities such as typing, painting or using a screwdriver."

You're irritable

Snapping at your spouse and tossing and turning at night could be signs of overtraining, says Carol E. Torgan, PhD, exercise physiologist and fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. "It's most likely if you also have an elevated resting heart rate and notice a drop off in improvements with training." Too much intensity, workout frequency or a combination of the two without sufficient rest can trigger these symptoms.

Your goals have changed

The reason you began working out may change over time and as you age. (Upgrade Your Fitness Bucket List) Maybe you initially wanted to lose weight and now you're concerned about bone strength. Or you’ve been diagnosed with a health issue. "Any health-related new diagnosis, such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, etc., is good reason to readjust your goals," says Pire. "Or your fitness-related goal may now be a performance-related goal, such as planning to run your first 5K."

Your joints hurt

Jumping into your routine without warming up and stretching first makes it likely you're going to hurt yourself, says Nathan Wei, MD, director of the Arthritis Treatment Center in Frederick, MD. "Even if you're accustomed to working out but you change your routine, it can cause joint pain if you're not warmed up."


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lose That Fat Wisely

Lose That Fat Wisely

Lose That Fat!

Never attempt to by pass any meals, because this merely will make your body retain fats for energy vs. losing the fat. Many people believe it is bad to eat after 6 p.m., but it's not really horrible if you’re smart about it.

An acceptable supper with additional protein for that great weight training session you had is going to assist the delivery of nutrients to the body to prepare it for the next day. Furthermore, should you discover yourself really starving just before bed a fabulous modest bowl of high fiber cereal and low fat milk will really assist with preserving your metabolism while you’re sleeping. The smart part is by realizing that you shouldn't be overeating in the evenings. At the very least, follow a well-rounded, healthy and balanced diet regime filled with fruit and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

Another trick to lose that fat is to decrease your caloric intake by eating slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for your mind to realize that you’re not hungry any longer. Try to get yourself in the habit of drinking a glass of water before your meal and you will find that this helps to fill you up sooner allowing your mind to catch up. Eating slowly will get you satisfied with a smaller amount of food without the need of feeling hungry or even deprived. Also, you get two meals out of one if you incorporate this tactic when eating out.

Don't make an effort to starve yourself. In the short term, lowering the amount you eat to unhealthily 'abnormal' amounts will slow metabolic process and in fact result in you losing weight far more slowly. In the longer run, starving yourself (anorexia or bulimia) can kill you. It's far better to consume reasonable levels of healthy food choices instead of not eating at all.

In general, people starting diets or on diets tend to miss out on some essential nutrients and nutritional vitamins that can help fulfill your daily requirements. Nutritional supplements perform a crucial part in keeping your body's chemical makeup well balanced as well as your levels of energy healthy.

In Summary: An excellent fat loss technique to help you lose that fat is always to eat healthily as well as do physical exercise regularly. Muscle mass weighs a lot more compared to fat, therefore don't be surprised in the event that you gain weight, you look slimmer. That can be attributed to all the hard work you've been doing during your exercise sessions. A well-balanced workout also strengthens all the joints as well as more compact tie-in muscles, those most likely to get injured if bigger muscles over power the smaller ones. Exercise frequently and eat healthy to Lose That Fat Wisely!


Ways Health/Fitness Professionals Can Continue to Learn

Ways Health/Fitness Professionals Can Continue to Learn

1. Have an open mind. Realize that opportunities for learning abound. They are everywhere if individuals can learn to recognize them for what they are. The key is to be receptive to and tolerant of new ideas, new notions and conceptual links, and the potential of embracing new challenges.

2. Reach for resources. Take advantage of the various platforms for delivering information that are available in the field of health/fitness, including books, DVDs, webinars, and social media. Keep in mind that these tools are among the most viable means for obtaining cutting-edge, up-to-date information on key topics and areas of professional concern.

3. Let your feet hit the street. Attend professional meetings, seminars, and conventions that specifically target individuals involved in the health/fitness field. While in attendance at these gatherings, be a sponge for information. Listen, learn, and absorb. Always remember that because your existing job often will not be your last job, it can be quite advantageous for you to expand your "learning envelope."

4. Learn from others. Make a strategic commitment to the fact that everyone you meet is a potential source of useful information. In that regard, everyone with whom you interact (particularly professional colleagues) can serve as a viable learning channel for you.

5. Study the pioneers in the field. Contrary to the perception of some health/fitness professionals, their field of study did not commence the day that they were born. In fact, the body of knowledge related to their profession has evolved over decades of scientific inquiry undertaken by a cadre of dedicated individuals. As the old saying goes, "when you drink the water, remember who dug the well." Considering efforts of these pioneers can provide a wellspring of thought-provoking information.

6. Expand your universe. See the world as a classroom. Look upon the actions, practices, and activities of successful individuals and organizations in other fields and endeavors as a learning resource that can be tapped to add substance, clarity, and insight into your own level of informational enlightenment. Figuratively, as well as literally, the learning opportunities in this area are boundless.

7. Be professionally active. To the degree that your situation and schedule permit, engage in an array of professional pursuits. For example, serve on a committee, be part of a writing team, accept a leadership role, and so on. In addition, share your skills and time with those outside your professional community. Be a volunteer. Make a difference. Experiences matter.

8. Master your listening and observational skills. Learn to listen with both your ears and your eyes. The ability to listen effectively is an essential aspect of communication that requires considerable personal commitment to develop - an undertaking that is more worth the effort. In addition, develop the capacity to thoughtfully observe the world around you and try to learn from the process. Make this attribute an enduring personal habit.

9. Develop a learning "bucket list." Detail a list of short- and long-term learning-related personal goals. Create a basic strategy for achieving each objective. Compile a systematic schedule for fulfilling your overall course of action. Ensure that your plan adequately addresses whatever learning-related strengths and weaknesses you may have.

10. Never be satisfied. It is not enough to simply be aware of the need for and the value of lifelong learning. In that regard, health/fitness professionals should never be content with how much they have learned. They should understand that the ever-evolving body of knowledge is an invaluable asset that should be assimilated and applied on an ongoing basis.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The 15 Best Fat Loss Tips

The 15 Best Fat Loss Tips

Many individuals embark on a diet at some point in their life. While we are unable to accurately display a percentage of failed diets we can say that most efforts result in short-term weight loss due to calorie reduction and unfortunately lead to further weight gain. Just in case your diet has failed or is on the verge of failure read our tips for the best fat loss…

1. Between 5-15 minutes before a meal, drink an 8 oz. glass of water or another healthy choice beverage to fill your stomach up so you don't eat as much food.

2. Choose breads and other carbohydrates that are whole grains such as spelt, buckwheat, barley,

3. Replace all soft drinks and other sugary juices with water. If you need flavor in your water use a lime or lemon wedge mixed in your water.

4. Always eat breakfast. A balanced breakfast will include a protein (steak, chicken, fish or eggs); Fruit and some oatmeal to kick start your metabolism. A balanced breakfast will allow you to stabilize blood sugar and prevent over indulging later in the day.

5. Have an oral fixation that you normally correct with food? Try chewing flavored gum between meals. Most gum can be found in a variety of desert flavors and can have less than 10 calories per stick. Don’t overdo it with the gum and be careful of your dental health.

6. Cheat Days are acceptable. Allow your body to give into a craving once a week for one meal. Just don’t overdo it.

7. Replace your regular snack foods with raw almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds that are high in protein and essential fats. Just be conservative as calories can add up fast.

10. Try to avoid milk as it is filled with unhealthy hormones. Leafy greens are rich in calcium and can replace the calcium lost from the reduction of milk.

11. Cook more often at home. This will allow you to know exactly what is in your food and help you reach your goals.

12. Avoid all fried foods. If you are craving fried foods cook them at home using coconut oil.

13. Try to avoid processed food. Processed foods have chemicals and additives that are unhealthy and contain a mass amount of calories.

14. Remember to keep working. All types of activities burn calories. Move around as much as possible. Park further in the lot when going to the store, take the stairs instead of an elevator and experiment in new types of physical fitness. If you have kids create activities that get you all outside to PLAY and just do what you enjoy!

15. Don’t judge weight loss by the scale alone. Find ways to judge your progress and don’t get discouraged if the scale fluctuates. Take before and after pictures of your progress and judge your goals by the way your clothes fit.

Desire, Dedication and Determination will be required to reach your goals. Diets are not a quick fix they are a life style change that must include physical activity. 


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How Twitter Can Help You Lose Weight

Did you wake up early for your new spin class? Tweet about it! A new study from the University of South Carolina shows using Twitter as a support network can help people shed extra pounds.
Researchers looked at 96 obese men and women over a period of six months. In the main trial, they were divided into two groups: those who received informational podcasts about weight loss, and those who received the podcasts plus mobile apps for Twitter and tracking their nutrition and exercise along with other group members. After six months, both groups saw a 2.7 percent reduction in weight. However, when researchers looked specifically within the mobile group to examine how Twitter may have helped participants battle the bulge, they saw that every 10 posts to the social-media site resulted in a -0.5 percent weight loss.
Or, to put it simply: “Those who were engaged with Twitter lost more weight,” says lead researcher Brie Turner-McGrievy, Ph.D. Which makes sense, if you think about it from a social perspective. A group-based approach to weight loss can be helpful—the group provides a support network, and also helps keep everyone a bit more honest and motivated. “We were interested in finding a way to provide that group social support online during our intervention,” Turner-McGrievy says. “We chose Twitter because we wanted people to feel free to post multiple, brief messages each day, and have the choice to be anonymous.”
You can try using an online social network to keep you accountable for your health goals, too—no need to be a social media guru. Turner-McGrievy suggests the following:
Pinpoint Bloggers
Look up others tracking their own fitness journeys, and follow along. “I suggest first to search for weight loss bloggers online who also have a Twitter account,” says Turner-McGrievy. “Start by following them and then see who their users are. Follow the users you find who are similar to you.”
Don’t just watch others talk health; dive in. “Start tweeting!” Turner-McGrievy says. “Twitter is an amazing way to connect with other people who are also attempting to start an exercise, healthy-eating and weight-loss program.” Interaction is key. You want to feel like you’re in it together with other users, not like you’re alone on an island.
Update Your Status
No need to worry about making tweets witty or particularly newsworthy, Turner-McGrievy insists. “The posts to Twitter were mostly in the form of status updates, so just telling people that you went to the gym or stuck to your calorie goals for the day was helpful,” she says. “The nice thing about Twitter is it’s expected that you will post multiple times per day, and you can be fairly anonymous… Our study participants liked having the ability to be anonymous and not have to worry about a friend knowing they were trying to lose weight.”
Try Facebook
While Twitter’s anonymity is certainly great if you want it, Facebook may also work, especially if you can join a weight-loss group or have real-life friends getting fit along with you. “In a current weight loss trial we are conducting among women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, we are using private Facebook groups and have had good success with those,” Turner-McGrievy says.

How Your Wallet Can Help You Lose Weight

Put your money where your mouth is if you really want to drop pounds
Trying to lose weight? Money can be a serious motivator: People who receive financial incentives are more likely to stick to weight-loss programs and tend to drop more pounds than people who try to slim down without them, according to a new Mayo Clinic study.
The study followed 100 people between the ages of 18 to 63 over a one-year period.  All of the participants had body mass indexes of 30 or higher, which is considered obese. They were given a goal of losing 4 pounds per month. Each participant was assigned to one of four different groups: two with financial incentives and two without.
Participants who met their monthly target goal got $20 each month, while those who didn’t had to cough up $20 that went into a pooled account. Participants in the incentive groups who completed the program were also entered into a lottery to win the pooled money.
Even though $20 a month isn’t a big payout, the groups’ results were drastically different. Sixty-two percent of the cash incentive groups completed the study, while just 26 percent of the other groups did. Those in the cash-driven groups also lost 9.08 pounds on average, compared to the other groups’ average weight loss of 2.34 pounds.
It wasn’t just participants getting money who were more likely to stick with the routine, either; those who paid cash penalties were also more likely to finish the program than those who received no financial incentive, according to the study.
“It’s human nature that we tend to make choices that provide immediate gratification,” says Steven Driver, MD, an internal medicine resident at the Mayo Clinic. “Financial incentives help by counteracting immediate rewards and promoting healthy behavior changes that we wish we would do more often.”
How can you use this news in your own life? Download GymPact, a free app that gives cash rewards for working out. You set how many days a week you’ll hit the gym and choose what you’re willing to pay if you don’t follow through (for example, you might sign up for five days a week, with $5 on the line each day). Every week, the money paid by non-exercisers who missed their workouts is divided and paid out to those who met their goals. You can’t cheat, either: GymPact keeps you honest by .making you check into your gym via your smartphone each time you go.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Success Tips for Women Executives and Entrepreneurs

Success Tips for Women Executives and EntrepreneursView large image
Why do so many people find true abundance elusive? Most of them are missing the key ingredient: complete and utter confidence in themselves, which is inseparable from complete confidence in their physical self: their body. 

Of course, getting that total body confidence can be a tall order, especially if you have a long way to go. Yet it's crucial that you make the commitment to get there if you want to achieve true success and abundance.

How a lack of body confidence can hold you back

Just think about it... If you are concerned about how you look, you'll always have a handicap. Whether you're networking, negotiating a deal, or making a presentation on stage, your lack of confidence puts you at a disadvantage. 

1) You avoid the spotlight

Chances are that you're also afraid of the spotlight that could come with success. How would you really feel about being on TV? Everybody looks heavier on TV, they say, and if you're already self-conscious about your weight, you may try to avoid any opportunity involving a camera, at least subconsciously. Can you see how that can hold you back?

2) You lack the crucial ingredient you need to attract others

There's more. As long as you're being plagued by that niggling fear that you're looking less than your best, you will lack that air of confidence that is so attractive to others. And it gets even worse -- you have reason to be concerned. 

3) People judge others by how they look

It's a fact of life that people really do judge us by the way we look. The more attractive we are, the more strongly people are drawn to us. Studies have shown that people who are more attractive get promoted more quickly and make more money. You can insist on political correctness all you want, but it isn't going to give you that raise. And it's certainly not going to bring you more clients and customers.

Of course I agree that it's not fair to be judged by the shape of your body, but belaboring that fact is not going to give you the results you desire. If you want to achieve success and abundance, there's really just one question that's helpful: "What are you going to do about it so you can achieve the benefits below?"

The benefits of taking action

1) More confidence 

I know how you feel - because I used to be more than 30 pounds overweight. Before I finally claimed the fit and healthy body I truly wanted, I was down and depressed. Now, I love meeting people and I even love being on stage and in front of the camera. There are no longer any worries about how I look. Instead, I'm free to focus on the reason I'm there.

2) More physical energy

You see, most people spend up to 70% of their energy just digesting their food. That doesn't leave too much for doing the kind of things that will boost your success. So if you can reduce that percentage to 50% by making your metabolism more effective, you'll practically double the energy you have available. Imagine the competitive edge all that new energy could give you.

3) More emotional energy 

And you'll gain more energy in other ways as well... How long does it take you to find clothes that make you look good -- or at least as good as possible? Finding clothes that flatter a less than fit body can be a true project. Not only does it require extra time to go through your closet or a store's offerings to find something that camouflages those "bad" parts, but it also takes a lot of energy. How so, you may wonder...

Most people really beat themselves up in dressing rooms. Looking at the unvarnished truth in full-length mirror can be challenging indeed. But do you know how much emotional energy all that self-criticism can take? And chances are, you're also doing the same thing every morning when you decide what to wear for the day. 

4) Success and abundance

You will begin to thrive in all areas of your life once being self-conscious about your body no longer holds you back. 

Now, if you are ready to thrive, I'd like to invite you to claim your free Consumer's Awareness Guide and MindBody FX Book Preview which will give you the support to finally claim your fit and healthy body, double your energy, and boost your confidence so you can achieve true abundance. 

Melonie Dodaro is an author, coach, and founder of MindBody FX that specializes in changing the way women executives and entrepreneurs think so they can achieve permanent weight loss.


Being body confident can help to improve all areas of your life. We ask personal trainer Caroline Sandry for her top tips towards a more confident you!

As a personal trainer and pilates teacher I have seen how dramatically peoples lives can change when they make positive changes to their bodies and their health. As people become fitter and stronger, their posture improves and they seem to grow taller as they stand up proud. 

Improving your fitness and strength will give you the confidence to try new things such as joining a gym, going for that new job or even trying new clothes, and the great thing is that you will have the energy and stamina to carry out new activities with real vigour and zest for life!

Here are some of my top tips towards getting body confident :-

1) Improve your posture - simply by standing up tall with your shoulders back and your stomach in you will appear more confident and self-assured

2) Try Pilates exercises to strengthen your core plus lengthen and define your muscles

3) Aerobic exercise such as dance, jogging or aerobics can lead to a more positive outlook, burn fat and make you feel fantastic!

4) People who exercise in the morning go on to make healthier food choices throughout the day - so try a brisk walk or 10 minutes of aerobic exercise before breakfast

5) Try yoga or stretching to help improve your flexibility and range of motion - this will help your body move more fluidly and elegantly

6) Take every opportunity to move your body: walk up stairs and skip the elevator, get off the bus a stop earlier or walk the kids to school. All these small changes will help you to lose any excess weight and improve your health

7) Never buy clothes in a size too small. Ignore the label - it is better to buy a 14 than try and squeeze into a 12 and then feel self conscious because your clothes are too tight! A slightly looser fit is always more flattering

8) Start to love yourself! Instead of focusing on any flaws, start to concentrate on how great you are! Love your legs for carrying you around all day, play up your best features and congratulate yourself on every small achievement.

Best Way to lose weight in legs